- Audiobooks on fairytales, motivational speeches, poetry readings, short stories, vintage radio shows, and more
- Download to your mobile device or stream from a browser
- Access content anytime with your library card
- Limit of 5 downloads per week
- Limit of 5 hours of streaming per week
- No holds required
- No fines
- Available on Apple Store | Google Play | Amazon
- Non-fiction and fiction audiobooks, eBooks, comics, movies, TV shows, and more
- Read or stream from a browser or download to your mobile device
- Access content anytime with your library card and a valid email
- Limit of 35 items per month
- Check out for 21 days for audiobooks
- No holds required
- No fines
- Available on Apple Store | Google Play | Amazon
Libby by OverDrive
- Non-fiction and fiction audiobooks, eBooks, comics, magazines, and more
- Easy-to-use app with simple step-by-step setup
- Add multiple library cards to your profile
- Read or stream from within the app or on your preferred device
- Access content anytime with your library card
- Limit of 10 items at a time
- Check out for 7, 14, or 21 days
- Place up to 12 holds at a time
- No fines
- Available on Apple Store | Google Play | Microsoft
- Non-fiction and fiction audiobooks, eBooks, and graphic novels
- Unlimited streaming online from a browser or your mobile device
- No loan periods
- No holds
- No fines
- Available on Apple Store | Google Play