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Computer and Internet Policy

Computer Room Hours

Monday - Thursday: 9:15am - 9:45pm
Friday: 9:15am - 6:45pm
Saturday: 9:15am-4:45pm
Sunday: 1:15pm - 4:45pm

Computer Room Rules

(See our Internet Policy for more details regarding viewing content, downloading, and other Internet usage rules.)

1. You must present an EGVPL library card to use the computers.

2. Children under 17 must have an EGVPL card with a parental permission sticker to use the Internet computers.

3. There is a limit of two people per computer. Only the people signed up to use the equipment may be in the computer room.

4. There is a limit of one booking per day.

5. Bookings are available in half-hour segments for up to one hour.

6. A booking will be held for 15 minutes before it is given to another person.

7. Bookings may be made one day in advance.

8. If you wish to switch to a different computer from the one you are assigned, please see the Youth Reference Desk. Your original booking time will apply against the one hour.

9. Computer room users should be considerate to others. Improper behavior may result in denial of computer room privileges.

10. Computer monitors may not always be available. Staff will offer assistance, as they are able.

11. No food or drink in the room.

For more information on child safety on the Internet, visit SafeKids.com