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Notary Public

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A notary public appointed by the State of Illinois is available to notarize documents, free of charge, during most weekdays from 9am - 5pm. Notary service is not guaranteed. Patrons seeking notary service should call the Library at (847) 725-2150 one hour prior to their visit to ensure a notary is available.

Notary services are a courtesy provided by the Library and not the notary's primary duty; therefore, the notary may ask the person(s) to wait while tending to other library matters.

A valid government issued photo ID with a signature is required. The notary will verify your identity and your signature on legal documents, NOT the content of your document.

  • DO NOT sign the document beforehand. Documents must be signed in the notary's presence.
  • When witnesses are required in addition to a Notary, provide your own witnesses that have a valid government issued photo ID with a signature. The library will not supply witnesses for you.
  • Documents must be in English.


Notary service is unavailable for the following:

  • Government Form I-9 or Employment Eligibility Verification
  • Documents of conveyance of real estate, mortgages, other real estate loans, documents or transactions or property transfers, including but not limited to refinancing or other types of real estate loans, purchases, sales, and beneficial interests in land trusts.
  • Deeds, wills, livings wills & trusts.
  • Political petitions.
  • Documents that are already signed or copies of documents.
  • Documents recorded by the County (e.g. birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates).
  • Apostilles - a form that certifies that a document that is issued in one country to be used and considered valid in another country.
  • Documents that are not in English.
  • Notary Service is NOT available for Codicils, Depositions or Power of Attorney as these types of documents can require technical or legal knowledge that is beyond the scope of this free service.

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